Wednesday, 16 January 2008

5071 miles and not 1 word!

Hello everyone! Howzit? I am back and I am black! I have just come back from my home country, South Africa and although it is the best country in the world I have missed Sheffield and the Union with all its chaos in all its glory.

When I was back home it felt like there was something very similar to Sheffield. No not it’s weather (Thank God!), but its people. Desmond Tutu had stated that South Africa is a ‘Rainbow Nation’; this statement was later adopted by Nelson Mandela (My Hero- FYI)

Wouldn’t you think that Sheffield is the same? Our University has students from 125 Countries (UK plus the other 124). We all have the opportunity to get to know different kinds of people with their very different but also surprisingly very similar view on life. I know I am contradicting myself but it is true. For instance I found that the English and Chinese are similar in their shyness and conservative manner when meeting new people. Is this why they don’t really mingle in Sheffield? I know these are just stereotypes but I can’t help myself from speculating like this.

Integration is a real issue in our University and generally across the UK. I really do not understand it and my Greek side comes out and starts philosophizing the reasons…

The British are known as really adventurous travellers. And it is true, whenever I go abroad there are always British folk. The British love trying out new foods, the British love learning foreign languages and of course the British love trying world alcohol. Then why oh why don’t the British in our University mingle more with Internationals?

Matt the Activities officer (friendliest and most outgoing guy ever) said that there are a lot of Chinese in his course yet he never talks to them.
Q. “Then why don’t you approach them and talk to them?”
A. “Because they don’t approach me and talk to me”
But that is exactly what International Students think; that they cannot initiate talking to you because you don’t talk to them.

This is just silly guys! We are smart, beautiful students of the University of Sheffield and acting so shyly is just not the way! How dull!

UK student, you save up money to go abroad all the time, stop being shy and get to know a person from another country. Who knows? Maybe they’ll invite you back to their country (free accommodation! Lol : p)

International Student, you have come to this country for a top education and to better your English. You had the courage come over and live in a completely different country, stop being shy and find the courage to speak to home students. I promise they are really really nice people!

In my role I am doing some vital work that will encourage integration, diversity and the smooth transition of International Students in Sheffield
In a Nutshell:
Separated the International Students Committee into sections in order to be more
Train Station Meet and Greet
Intro Fiesta
World Food Festival
Equality and Diversity Campaign
Encourage National Societies to hold their events in the Union
Worked with Entertainment Department to hold ‘Global Population’
Weekly Drop-In Session (Now to be operated in Job shop)
Fought to keep Sabroso; the Salsa evening (only weekly international event) in the Union
Working to have an amazing and explosive International Week.
Working with Careers services for more job opportunities for both Home and
International Students abroad.
In general working with the ISC to facilitate integration in sports, societies, democracy
and entertainment.

Hope this is good enough. Pls post me for anymore suggestions!

Love you all,

Marika xxx